Athletic Association

Open to all members of the parish interested in promoting CYC sporting activities at the parish level. Monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in attending. Commitment level will vary depending on volunteer opportunities available but could include administering each particular sport as the Lay Director, Uniform Director, Fund Raising Coordinator, Field Scheduling and Field Maintenance.

Members should have completed the Prevent and Protect Program as required by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Monthly meetings (excluding July) second Wednesday of the month with location TBD.

Our Mission Statement:

As a people of God ministering to the youth of the Parish through our Athletic Programs we will strive;
To develop a Christian attitude by showing respect for teammates, coaches, parents, and opponents.
To learn all aspects of the sport with substantial participation in practices and games.
To understand that winning should not be determined by the score, but by the efforts put forward by each person giving their best.

The SCL Athletic Association, which is a committee of the SCL Men's Association, runs the athletic program for the parish of St. Catherine Laboure. The members of the Athletic Association are dedicated to providing track, golf, baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball and basketball for the entire youth of the parish from Kindergarten through 8th grade.

The Men's Association also raises additional money to fund special projects for the parish by organizing activities within the group. We encourage more men to become a part of the Men's Association, so please drop us a line if you want to become more active in your parish!

Athletic Committee

  • A committee shall exist that administers policy regarding each sport in which SCL participates. The committee shall have an Athlietic Director, Lay Director of each sport, Head Official for each sport, Uniform Director, Current Men's Association President, President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary, and a Spiritual Director.
  • A meeting shall take place monthly to discuss pertinent matters regarding the program. A consistent time and place shall be established. Each membr of the committee is required to either attend or cummincate a report regarding the status of his/her program. The meeeting is open for attendance by any member of hte parish and is stongly recommeded to coaches of our teams.
  • In the event a vote is needed on certain policy, a simple majority shall be required. Voting members shall consist of the following: Athletic Direcytor, Lay Diector of each sport, Men's Association President, President Elect and Treasuer, and the Spiritual Director. Vote to be taken by roll call. Any policy change will remain in force for at least one year, with the exception of fees. Depending on the sport, subgroups of the committee, usually consisting of the Athletic Director, Lay Director and Spiritual Director may address matters concerning suspension or personal issues. 


For more information, contact:
