Meals at St. Vincent
St. Vincent DePaul Parish in South City has a program in which meals are served to poor and homeless people from the 22nd through the 1st of every month. Parishioners from St. Catherine’s serve meals at St. Vincent’s a total of 18 times a year. We serve on the fourth Tuesday of every other month.
This entails arrival at St. Vincent’s at 4:45 pm. The guests enter the hall at 5 pm and all leave by 6 pm. Volunteers carry trays or serve side dishes and desserts; they then wipe off tables and clean up. Generally, all is finished by 6:30 pm.
Volunteers report that they have a very positive experience. If you would like to serve meals, you may sign up on the bulletin board in the gathering space, or you may call or email Sue Tumminia (314 843-3245, ext 212,
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, Noon
Monday - Friday 6:30am
Monday - Saturday 8:15am