Hi. My name is Linda DiFranco and I am the Music Director for SCL Church. I have been here for 10 years now and I absolutely love it! Previously I was at Seven Holy Founders, then Our Lady of Providence. I have directed Children’s Choirs for over 40 years and I finally have the opportunity to start one here at St Catherine’s. I have a degree in Music Education K-12 so I am extremely excited to work with the students again.
My plan is to start rehearsals next September on Wednesdays from 3:30 until 5:00 pm. Our first Sunday to sing will be the Feast of St. Vincent at the end of September, then we will sing twice a month at the 10:30 Mass until May. This 10:30 time will allow you to still sleep in and also be home in time for Sunday sports! Perfect, right?!
I will be accepting boys and girls from 3-8 grade. In the past my choirs always included 40-50 students! We will be singing lots of harmony and I will choose music that the students enjoy singing. I take choir very seriously because I want to produce the very best sound and prayerful environment that is possible. For this reason, plus the fact that our rehearsals will only be approximately 90 minutes, I am not able to tolerate any behavioral issues so I’m looking for students who love to sing and are capable of focusing on some very rewarding, fun learning.
In addition to two Sunday Masses per month, the Choir will sing Christmas Eve Mass, Holy Thursday evening Mass, Easter Sunday and First Communion (Saturday). I will send a detailed schedule home when we get closer to starting.
I’m asking that you please talk with your kids about joining next fall. I promise to make them proud to be a member! We are all God’s children and this will be a great way to worship together!
I’m so excited!!!! If you have any questions, please contact me at
Thank you!