Order your Poinsettia today
hello SCL Community,
As we look forward to next week, we remember all of the things that we are grateful for. As I reflect on the things that I am personally grateful for, I definitely think of this parish and school and the ability to create fun events, provide snacks and lead the middle schoolers closer to Christ along the way. All of these things would not be possible without the generosity of amazing people like you! THANK YOU! As we gather the fixin's for our Thanksgiving feast, you might notice stores starting to carry decorations and playing music for a holiday that is more associated with evergreens and tinsel. People might begin to wonder how they might decorate along what gifts they might give a loved one.
This Holiday Season I would like to combine both of these with our annual Poinsettia Sale! This year, I would like to invite you to join me in being grateful for our middle schoolers and supporting them by buying poinsettias to give as gifts and to decorate your home. All of the money we raise will help our Middle School students of both PSR and Dayschool grow in virtue, encounter Christ, and build our community.
Sale runs from Nov. 16th - Nov 28th at Noon.
Orders will be available for Pickup Dec. 18 from 1:15 -3:15 in the Cafeteria.
All Orders can be found online at https://www.sclym.org/po.
If you have issues with online purchasing, please contact Steve at sbrinkmeyer@sclschool.org or (314) 698-1276.