What is SCL UNITED ?
Last spring, a group of parents from the day school and Parish School of Religion (PSR) have been working in partnership with the St. Catherine Laboure parish to build upon the relationship between the PSR and day school community by supporting educational, athletic, social and philanthropic opportunities that will further the Vincentian mission of our parish.
SCL United Mission Statement:
SCL United is composed of Parish School of Religion (PSR) and Day School parents working in partnership with the St. Catherine Laboure parish to build upon the relationship between the PSR and day school community by supporting educational, athletic, social and philanthropic opportunities that will further the Vincentian mission of our parish.
Assist current SCL parish and school groups in areas of need, such as connecting community members, finding volunteers for events, and communicating important dates.
Support current educational programs and develop and execute new ones for both youth and adults in the parish to grow more in the image of Christ.
Provide support to the parish on the new online platform, Flocknotes, that will administer information on parish meetings, community events, and ways to volunteer.
Serve as a support system to both current and new service opportunities to aid the underserved members of our community and bring awareness to our Vincentian roots.
The main ways SCL United hopes to accomplish this:
SCL United would like to work with the parish and school community to execute new quarterly service projects for both the youth and adults in the parish to provide further opportunities to live out our Vincentian virtues.
SCL United has developed a semi-annual speakers’ series dedicated to educating our community on topics pertinent to both the adults and youth of the parish.
SCL United will offer support to the parish as they utilize a new communication service that will allow for easier, more efficient, and more tailored communication between the whole parish, PSR and the school.
So far, SCL United has been able to offer support to the Louisette’s/Ladies of Charity Coat Drive, SCL Trunk or Treat, the GotSneakers campaign, the Knights of Columbus Back to School BBQ and multiple Victory Garden service projects. If interested in getting involved in SCL United or if you have questions, please email SCLUnited1@gmail.com or connect with us via our phone numbers above.