SCL Summer Blood Drive
June 25, 2024

SCL Summer Blood Drive

Did you know that between our 2 Red Cross blood drives last year, we collected almost 150 units of blood?  Your blood donations went a long way in easing the blood supply shortage.  There is a critical need for blood products at this time of the year.  Our next blood drive will be held on July 22, 2024 in the school cafeteria from 1:30-6:30.  You can go online and schedule your time now at  As a thank you to those who donate, the Red Cross is inviting donors to be a force for good by giving blood. Donate blood at SCL on  July 22 and receive a free ticket to Twisters  via email We will have sign-ups in the Narthex the weekends of July 13-14 and 20-21 (if needed).

Questions?  Call John Capellupo at 314-602-6866 or Mary Lee Burlemann at 314-941-9290.  We’ll see you on the 22nd!